News reader is the chosen carrer choice

Ultimate goal is to become a news presenter and by doing this I realize the number of processes I will have to go through
Which include a number of steps and what is to be expected when considering this particular job as a career choice:

1. If you want to start off expect that it will not be at a fancy big time televisions station. At a small market television station. Apply for Tafe courses such as ‘Media and communication studies’, the same course will be available at University as well and perhaps even apply for specialized collages, an example of one Is the Macleay College that could be considered once you have finished school. Also apply for internships at television stations which will most likely include little to no pay but you have the chance to dabber in all aspects of the media industry which include things such as to see how everything is done from behind the scenes from reporting to, producing.

2. Expect very little wage t o becoming your way when you first start out, Television is a very competitive industry hence there are little positions available due to the small market being opened for news reporters being shown on actual television. News reporting as a job may seem glamorous but don’t be fooled, Most high ranking news reporters although famous may receive shocking pay, but they got to where they were due t o hard work and persistence

3. Do not be picky about where you are situated for a news story as the fact is reinforced it is a competitive and niche market and remember that holidays are a virtue and are not to be taken lightly. The fact of the matter is that holidays in this industry are very hard to come by . Sometimes even prestigious holidays such as Christmas are not even allowed to be taken off so your personal life suffers to a certain degree to.

4. As it was previously mentioned a degree is a be required to have obtained, most reputable news stations regard having a degree is a basic requirement.

5. Learn how to project yourself articulate yourself effectively and efficiently and to speak well. If body image Is a problem maybe this is not a career for you, remember the whole media industry is fascinated with weight loss and with how one looks and such . Also remember your voice is your key to success., and camera shy is not lightly tolerated. Outspoken and outgoing is what is to be expected.

6.Expect that as it was previously stated that your personal life will suffer, be enthusiastic to work all the time. Your work hours when finally places to work at a news station will more then likely be erratic, till you have scored a regular job, and working overtime is ought to be expected.

7. Put in the hard yards. Although it might not seem worth it in the start, if this is your dream then stick it out and you will eventually get to where you want to in the end.

So now you know what this job as a career choice entails, the in-depth part is actually what do news reporters actually carry out in their field of work?

Well firstly and foremost the main purpose for a news reporter is to distribute stories to the general public that concerns them in everyday life. It must be reinforced of the fact that this industry is extremely ‘bloodthirsty’, and the most successful reporters in this field understand that fact, the ones that are chosen to be on television and the one that the general public sees seems to have that extra something special about that, they know that and we know that. A keen eye is to be needed around your current city/ society as investigating the ever changes present is required in your job as a news reporter.