
Sheldon Barrett

17 years of age

1. Hey Sheldon, thanks for doing this interview, to start it off do you personally believe technology is help or is it a hindrance?

"Hey, no worries, this is a hard one to answer but to a certain aspect when doing assignments and I can’t reach the libaray, the Internet helps in that aspect as I can find information I normally could not find. Personally I do not have a phone so I find by using newer technologies that are available help me keep in touch with people I normally couldn’t, I actually found a long lost relative via the net lately. But in saying that by the new technologies that are available in every day-to-day life my schoolwork has suffered because of this.

2. What do you personally believe out of the technology available to every day teenagers are you most addicted to and whys this?

"I think ipods have become a major resource during the younger generations as it helps deal with travel a whole lot easier and helps you pass the time doing pointless and meaniless tasks/

3. Out of technology available what do you never leave the home without?

“Of course my when I had a mobile phone it was the one thing I would never leave home without, but now its probably just my Ipod”

4. If your Internet was cut of for a time frame of one week, how do you think you would be able to handle that?

“ I think I would personally die (haha), no but in all serious, I have no phone at the moment, so my only resource to contact people would have to be through the internet such as networking site e.g. face book. I honestly am addicted I will admit to that"

5. Do you rely on your technology much more then you intend to?

" As I previously stated I am addicted to face book, I get up at about 7am check it, come home at about 4 after school and stay on till about 2 in the morning, and since breaking my phone last week I have had the worst time trying to get in touch with people, I didn’t honestly realize what an important aspect it was in my life."

6. Do you personally believe that due to networking sites available e.g. facebook, it has lost the way in which people communicate to one another?

Yes I personally sometimes ‘ blow people off to stay at home and go on the internet, there has been times when I have met people on the internet, people of my age and what not and seen them out at parties and we didn’t know how to communicate to one another seeing as they had created a different persona for themselves as opposed to they did on facebook

7. What piece of technology do you believe gets the most personal use out of your age group?

Um the internet for sure then closely followed by mobile phones then ipods “

8. Thank you for contributing to t he interview today

Yer that’s fine”

Thank you.

Individual #2. Older generation.

Female, 60 years of age

Lyn Rogers

1. Hey Lyn, thanks for doing this interview, to start it off do you personally believe technology is help or is it a hindrance?

“No worries, well personally growing up I didn’t have much to do with this ‘stuff’, I could happily live without technology but that isn’t to say it hasn’t helped in someway."

2. What do you personally believe out of the technology available to every day teenagers are most addicted to and whys this

"Well as having younger daughters I know that when they get home from school they will be on that website, mm I think it is called facebook or something along those lines. I honestly do not see any of my children in the afternoon as they communicate not to their families but rather to their friends. I believe it is connected to being addicted and something that they cannot handle without

3. Out of technology available what do you never leave the home without?

"Well I have an old Nokia phone, would stump me what kind it is, I cannot leave the home without it and I think this is societies influence as it has rubbed off on me that I have to always be contactable.

4. If your Internet was cut of for a time frame of one week, how do you think you would be able to handle that?

"Haha, this is a serious question right?

Well ill rephrase it for you, if you were cut of from your mobile phone for a week, how do you think you will be able to handle that?

"Well I think I honestly don’t think I could, my mother is very sick and I work a lot so if something happens to her and I couldn’t b e contacted that would be a very bad move, and my younger daughters go out a lot and I worry so if I had no mobile and they were in trouble they could not honestly contact me.

5. Do you rely on your technology much more then you intend to?

"Um as I have previously stated I rely on my mobile much more then I intend to, and the use of my brand new television I sit and watch more then I intend to (laughs), but all the stuff with the internet does not faze me at all

So your saying you does not use the Internet at all?

" Yes basically Em, I just do not find it appealing if I honestly wanted to find something that needed to be found off the internet I would ask someone from a younger generation to do so for me. I even did a computer course and everything at tafe and the whole appeal to the Internet does not demand that people seem to show towards the Internet does not faze me at all. One of my daughters has been personally bullied through the Internet and I find it disgusting, hence another reason I am not a ‘fan’ of the Internet.

Do you personally believe that due to networking sites available e.g. facebook, it has lost the way in which people communicate to one another?

"”Yes, I personally do, where has the days gone when a simple letter is written to communicate with one another?

7 What piece of technology do you believe gets the most personal use out of your age group?

"Although I am not a fan as I have previously established, the internet is a major source for all types and ages of people around the world.

8. Thank you for contributing to t he interview today

"That’s absolutely fine I am glad to help out with this! “