News reader is the chosen carrer choice

Ultimate goal is to become a news presenter and by doing this I realize the number of processes I will have to go through
Which include a number of steps and what is to be expected when considering this particular job as a career choice:

1. If you want to start off expect that it will not be at a fancy big time televisions station. At a small market television station. Apply for Tafe courses such as ‘Media and communication studies’, the same course will be available at University as well and perhaps even apply for specialized collages, an example of one Is the Macleay College that could be considered once you have finished school. Also apply for internships at television stations which will most likely include little to no pay but you have the chance to dabber in all aspects of the media industry which include things such as to see how everything is done from behind the scenes from reporting to, producing.

2. Expect very little wage t o becoming your way when you first start out, Television is a very competitive industry hence there are little positions available due to the small market being opened for news reporters being shown on actual television. News reporting as a job may seem glamorous but don’t be fooled, Most high ranking news reporters although famous may receive shocking pay, but they got to where they were due t o hard work and persistence

3. Do not be picky about where you are situated for a news story as the fact is reinforced it is a competitive and niche market and remember that holidays are a virtue and are not to be taken lightly. The fact of the matter is that holidays in this industry are very hard to come by . Sometimes even prestigious holidays such as Christmas are not even allowed to be taken off so your personal life suffers to a certain degree to.

4. As it was previously mentioned a degree is a be required to have obtained, most reputable news stations regard having a degree is a basic requirement.

5. Learn how to project yourself articulate yourself effectively and efficiently and to speak well. If body image Is a problem maybe this is not a career for you, remember the whole media industry is fascinated with weight loss and with how one looks and such . Also remember your voice is your key to success., and camera shy is not lightly tolerated. Outspoken and outgoing is what is to be expected.

6.Expect that as it was previously stated that your personal life will suffer, be enthusiastic to work all the time. Your work hours when finally places to work at a news station will more then likely be erratic, till you have scored a regular job, and working overtime is ought to be expected.

7. Put in the hard yards. Although it might not seem worth it in the start, if this is your dream then stick it out and you will eventually get to where you want to in the end.

So now you know what this job as a career choice entails, the in-depth part is actually what do news reporters actually carry out in their field of work?

Well firstly and foremost the main purpose for a news reporter is to distribute stories to the general public that concerns them in everyday life. It must be reinforced of the fact that this industry is extremely ‘bloodthirsty’, and the most successful reporters in this field understand that fact, the ones that are chosen to be on television and the one that the general public sees seems to have that extra something special about that, they know that and we know that. A keen eye is to be needed around your current city/ society as investigating the ever changes present is required in your job as a news reporter.

All posts.

Post 1.

Define the "news media industry"

Can be presented in many different forms that can be included in:

Journalism; Collecting, writing, editing and presenting of news or news articles in newspapers and magazine and in radio and television broadcasting

Print media; includes all newspapers, newsletters, booklets, pamphlets, magazines and other printed publications. Most print media is defined as being locally situated although there are still many print media outlets that are national and have become widely successful

Fleet street; is referred to as another word for British journalism

Photojournalism; in which a news story is presented mainly through the sources of photographic material with an supplementary written copy occupying the chosen photography

Tabloid; is otherwise known as a newspaper of a much smaller format in scale wise, giving the news it is investigating in condensed form, usually with pictures to highlight the point that it is making, often referred to as; sensational media'

Post 2.

Detail the impact of new and emerging technologies on traditional newsgathering and presentation practices

From a personal point of view I believe Technology is consuming everyone’s day to day life, just at this exact moment I am using my computer, the internet, I have my phone next to me so I do not miss out on anything so I am easily contactable, my ipod on which hence shows that technology has seized the younger generations and has total control, I personally cannot go without one day, without checking my face book although that’s not to say technology hasn’t got any benefits. I have known to use the ever growing concept of technology to help me with assignments via the internet, to check certain news stories when I haven’t got the newspaper at home or one I can come in contact with, it is also used in our homes and every day lives
The Impact of new and emerging technologies on traditional news gathering has changed dramatically. In the society of today journalists don’t use one particular method to find out new stories and to present their findings it is well known that they use different techniques and actions. The particular technology that they could use to describe their findings could vary from a single journalist writing on a notepad, listening to interviews that have been recorded on a recorder as opposed to the concept of another journalist of a similar statue recording down all vital information that they have received on the newest laptop available, where their conversation that they would need could have even been recorded on a ipod, even the journalist in question will not have to even go interview their intervier face to face as the entire interview could be done over emails, hence proves the point of the ever growing factor of globalization
It is often referred that emerging technologies do have more pros then cons when used to help journalists . They provide help by effectively and efficiently helping a journalist when information is known to be obtained for a new story. The help that I am, referring to could range from the use of a simple mobile phone to exchange certain information to particular sources then contrasting to the reality of a association of computers which may clutch the right information regarding the new story to prove that their particular article has more truth then fiction to it. All these factors show that new and emerging technologies are filtrating our traditional newsgathering and presentation practices and how much has changed in the previous few years or so.

Post 3.

Detail 3 roles /work opportunities in print media.

Graphic Designer:
A graphic designer is referred to as a profession within the graphic design industry that assembles together images, typography or motion graphics to create a piece of design. A graphic designer is known to create the graphics primarily for published, printed or electronic media, such as brochures and advertising. To foray in the Graphic designer world a degree associated with graphic designing will increase your chances of securing a job within the industry of your choice. Companies that hire graphic designers usually look for designers that appear to have any type of qualification and experience in this particular industry.
Although it is established that you don't necessarily have to have a degree to be hired in this industry. Courses have been offered at tare regarding Graphic Designing. If you choose to take up courses in Tafe or even University and it can be otherwise known as a starting point as courses you decide to take up will help you to explore all the areas of graphic design available and from the design side to the more illustrative side.

Upon hiring, companies also are known to look for applicants who have a wide knowledge of computers, as it is a basic necessity to, to be able to succeed. Courses are once again offered at Tafe that you can attend and that offer various programs such as Photoshop that is used heavily when working in this profession.
Aside from knowledge presented, you need to have’flair’ almost for creativity, an eye for every microscopic detail, be efficient and on time and to meet deadlines and enjoy working with computers.

Freelance writer;

The word ‘Freelance’ is associated with the term of somebody who is self-employed and is not committed to a particular employer long term, so hence a freelance writer is exactly this, writing as he or she pleases, not being tied down to one particular subject or topic for a particular amount of time. There are many ‘perks’ associated when choosing this as an career choice out of most freelance careers presented writing in this profession shows to be of more creative freedom then most jobs that come with working I n the ‘freelance’ industry. Another positive point that can be written about freelance writers is that they can write for magazines, newsletters of their choice, write upon websites, business reports, write sales copy or content for web pages, and even get paid to bog upon their own websites to Some freelance writers make a good living doing only creative writing, like short story writing for anthologies and literary magazines. And unlike many freelance fields and the jobs that they represent, where it has been described that the majority of work needs to be done on-site, most freelance writing jobs can be done from your home.

Although this profession appears to be perfect and have no drawbacks they are some associated with this career choice, which include the mindset, that being a freelancer is not suitable job to all people. It has to fit a certain criteria, being a freelancer requires discipline and self-motivation /If the freelancer decides to and chooses to work at home, the employee is prone to stress presented in the home, that if not managed properly, could prevent them from earning an stable hence the factor of the uncertainty of work available


Photojournalism is described as a particular form of journalism presented that creates images in order to tell a news story that can be either often referred to as still images, but in some cases the term also refers to videos

Which some may ask what is it exactly? A photojournalist records and documents places, people, events and things present in the past or everyday life through photographs that tell a particular type of story. A professional photojournalist whilst in the industry creates nigh quality photographs or whatever photos are needed for that particular job, and the photojournalist in question needs to be qualified in technical expertise and creativity. To be successful in photojournalism a photojournalist has to capture the aspect of the larger story presented in a potent ional photograph that is to be taken. Upon employment it Is often looked into what sets competiting photojournalists apart for the potential of a job and that is which aspect they notice or decide to focus on when takening photographs.

There are qualifications that are needed when considering a career in this field firstly a Formal education is highly recommended. A degree that can be earnt in Tafe or even better whilst in University or even a photography school usually helps you build a portfolio, which is a must if you are passionate if you want to get a job. Your portfolio that you would be creating should demonstrate and show your skills that you obtain with a wide range of photographic subjects, and should cover a range of skills. The sooner you can get your photography published, the better even though at the start you may not be paid, until you are employed and recognized for your talent. If this is the career path that you want to take you should learn how to use the latest equipment and as a photojournalist you will need to learn how to design images with color, as well as how to develop color management files with professional software.

Post 4.

Detail 3 roles/ work opportunities in electronic media


The term of 'Dj' can be defined as:

To act as a disc jockey at (a social gathering or radio station).


It is known that to be considered as a worthy DJ worth being hired at functions and is to be recommended that you must have good mixing skills that are practiced upon if you can purchase decks and a mixer minimum as you will need to practice a lot. On average to become started in this industry as a minimum package with just average decks and a mixer costs about $1800 dollars . There is even places such as You tube that you can use to help and teach you about how to exactly use your DJ equipment , mixing etc

Even though this career choice can be seen as ‘laidback’ if you act unprofessional and let people down your reputation will be damaged and you will struggle with making any income as your client list will suffer

Television presenter:

A television presenter is identified as a person who introduces or host television programmers. These days it is common for celebrities in other fields to take on this position, but there are also a number of people who have made their name exclusively through the field of presenting, which can include children’s shows music stations , entertainment channels , games shows etc. Although it appears easy to be on television alot of training is required to be had before they are accepted on television in front of an audience

A bachelor’s degree in journalism is the minimum qualification gets your foot in the doors of most news stations or television stations. Internship experience and a minimum of three to five years reporting experience, will increase ones chance of being hired by a major network such as ten , win or prime television. Most on-air television reporters’ oringally started out in small-town stations where they learned everything that was essential in becoming well known in this career from the ground up. It may seem like a glamorous job but the reality is , is that it is long hours , the pay is generally very bad when first starting off , you are always on your feet and sleeping is hardly evident in your career choice but this is all worth the experience for a budding reporter in the industry .Different companies and employers have different concerns Some will insist on qualifications, some will insist on previous experience, some will take anyone regardless of specific qualifications or not. Although it is to be expected that more prestigious organizations will tend to have higher expectations due to qualifications wise. Although a number of ‘nobodies’ have applied for reporting jobs via competitions an example of this is when Ruby rose competed for the converted role of television presenter for V music channel

Production assistant:

A production assistant, (PA), is defined as a job title that is used in filmmaking and television for a person responsible for various aspects of a production at hand. The job of a PA can vary greatly depending on the financial plan and exact necessities of a production that is being handled

Qualifications that are needed when considering this is as a career choice is that one must be a multi tasker and you need to effectively be able to communicate anybody that is part of the manufacturing team. An company looks for these skills when considering someone for an internship with a production company can be a good way to gain hands-on experience in the industry you are trying to forge into. An internship requires minimum number of hours a week, usually part-time, but full-time internships do exist. Internships are a starting point for building a resume and can also provide networking opportunities. Most internships are unpaid, although the better outcome can be that most times the opportunity that can arise can be that it can lead to full-time employment with the company that you have chosen to intern with. Production assistants must have strong computer skills as more times then enough they may be asked to build spreadsheets and even assist in editing of a certain production Developing your typing skills and is beneficial for production assistants.

Post 5.

Detail 3 roles/ work opportunities in digital media

Software developer:

Software engineering or developer is a profession that is known to be dedicated to modify certain aspects of a software application so that it is of a higher quality, cheaper , and effectively and efficiently so it can be sold to the public at a certain time frame.

If you are regarding this as a personal career choice , most employers have a preference that applicants must have at least obtained a bachelor's degree and broad knowledge of, , a variety of computer systems and technologies available in every day-to-day life. The usual degree needed to succeed in this job career wise will be a computer science or software engineering diploma, a bachelor’s degree or higher is needed.

By having these degrees and being a software engineer it can branch off into jobs into such areas such as mathematics and systems design will be sought after by software developers, government agencies, and consulting firms.

Testing computer games ( tester)

Being a computers game tester sounds like all fun and games but it is not necessarily easy. There are definite qualifications needed which include the ability to be qualified enough as you have to have the skills to be able to play at every level, without getting stuck in certain levels and not being able to finish the game you have been assigned to.

A knowledge of other software systems are highly regarded to have example of this is either Microsoft Office or Windows . As a career choice computer testers have to be able to effectively use the systems available as also being able to efficiently be able to communicate with people as they have to be able to explain situations to the video games team for whom they are asked to be testing for

A video game tester will also have to be persistent and keep on track as they need to test an particular game for a certain time period. It has been established that there is significant competition for every game tester job available , as for some of the people within society see playing video games is a must , hence major obsession. If you personally believe that you are highly interested in a game tester job, you have to make sure you are disciplined enough to test the games, rather than simply playing them.

In the first few years, salary wise you can expect to receiivce on average around $30,000, with an increase to $40,000. Experience is nessicerity so being hired straight away will not just happen it takes a lot of persistence and patience

If you have been decided to be employed by a gaming company , in your career you will be working with a team to uncover errors or bugs in the gaming code system so they can be quickly fixed before the game is released by its due date. In the professional world Game testing referred and notified as quality assurance. There are a few misconceptions present when referring to this as a career path , most young gamers see it as to succeed effectively all you need is a personal passion for playing video games.

Good writing and grammar skills are a must , its not all fun and games. You will be required to write detailed reports regarding the bugs you uncover while testing games. A game tester must be able to type in complete sentences. A game tester must be qualified in the correct use of grammar and it has to be remembered that if you are hired at a computer game testing company that everybody will be of English speaking nature.


Referred to as


A weblog.

intr.v. blogged, blog·ging, blogs

To write entries in, add material to, or maintain a weblog;

This definition categorizes the career path that could be taken by an aspiring blogger who has creative and writing flair . To be qualified for the role of blogging the only qualifications that you need to obtain would be that are you motivated really enough to write articles upon articles about the subjects that entice , intrigue and entertain you .To become a blogger, you just need to be able to be able to express yourself by writing efficiently and effectively. You can even read what the others have written about the same topic and then write your own articles using your own words and sentences. Most famous bloggers started out by registrating on blog sites such as this particular website or of a similar type and there is software available to help you download and install so you have the efficient tools to make an effective website that will attract readers hence make income . It is always important to remember to keep your blog updated hence readers will keep coming back to your website and it will remain popular. By means of making an extravagant income out of this career choice , it is not exactly a wise move seeing as apart from an exceptional few hardly any become famous in their own right. Money is made by the use of advertising on website/blogsites as hence the most converted story of a blogger turned famous is Perez Hilton. So it probably wouldn’t be the wisest move to take to quit your job totally and take up this as a career choice.


Sheldon Barrett

17 years of age

1. Hey Sheldon, thanks for doing this interview, to start it off do you personally believe technology is help or is it a hindrance?

"Hey, no worries, this is a hard one to answer but to a certain aspect when doing assignments and I can’t reach the libaray, the Internet helps in that aspect as I can find information I normally could not find. Personally I do not have a phone so I find by using newer technologies that are available help me keep in touch with people I normally couldn’t, I actually found a long lost relative via the net lately. But in saying that by the new technologies that are available in every day-to-day life my schoolwork has suffered because of this.

2. What do you personally believe out of the technology available to every day teenagers are you most addicted to and whys this?

"I think ipods have become a major resource during the younger generations as it helps deal with travel a whole lot easier and helps you pass the time doing pointless and meaniless tasks/

3. Out of technology available what do you never leave the home without?

“Of course my when I had a mobile phone it was the one thing I would never leave home without, but now its probably just my Ipod”

4. If your Internet was cut of for a time frame of one week, how do you think you would be able to handle that?

“ I think I would personally die (haha), no but in all serious, I have no phone at the moment, so my only resource to contact people would have to be through the internet such as networking site e.g. face book. I honestly am addicted I will admit to that"

5. Do you rely on your technology much more then you intend to?

" As I previously stated I am addicted to face book, I get up at about 7am check it, come home at about 4 after school and stay on till about 2 in the morning, and since breaking my phone last week I have had the worst time trying to get in touch with people, I didn’t honestly realize what an important aspect it was in my life."

6. Do you personally believe that due to networking sites available e.g. facebook, it has lost the way in which people communicate to one another?

Yes I personally sometimes ‘ blow people off to stay at home and go on the internet, there has been times when I have met people on the internet, people of my age and what not and seen them out at parties and we didn’t know how to communicate to one another seeing as they had created a different persona for themselves as opposed to they did on facebook

7. What piece of technology do you believe gets the most personal use out of your age group?

Um the internet for sure then closely followed by mobile phones then ipods “

8. Thank you for contributing to t he interview today

Yer that’s fine”

Thank you.

Individual #2. Older generation.

Female, 60 years of age

Lyn Rogers

1. Hey Lyn, thanks for doing this interview, to start it off do you personally believe technology is help or is it a hindrance?

“No worries, well personally growing up I didn’t have much to do with this ‘stuff’, I could happily live without technology but that isn’t to say it hasn’t helped in someway."

2. What do you personally believe out of the technology available to every day teenagers are most addicted to and whys this

"Well as having younger daughters I know that when they get home from school they will be on that website, mm I think it is called facebook or something along those lines. I honestly do not see any of my children in the afternoon as they communicate not to their families but rather to their friends. I believe it is connected to being addicted and something that they cannot handle without

3. Out of technology available what do you never leave the home without?

"Well I have an old Nokia phone, would stump me what kind it is, I cannot leave the home without it and I think this is societies influence as it has rubbed off on me that I have to always be contactable.

4. If your Internet was cut of for a time frame of one week, how do you think you would be able to handle that?

"Haha, this is a serious question right?

Well ill rephrase it for you, if you were cut of from your mobile phone for a week, how do you think you will be able to handle that?

"Well I think I honestly don’t think I could, my mother is very sick and I work a lot so if something happens to her and I couldn’t b e contacted that would be a very bad move, and my younger daughters go out a lot and I worry so if I had no mobile and they were in trouble they could not honestly contact me.

5. Do you rely on your technology much more then you intend to?

"Um as I have previously stated I rely on my mobile much more then I intend to, and the use of my brand new television I sit and watch more then I intend to (laughs), but all the stuff with the internet does not faze me at all

So your saying you does not use the Internet at all?

" Yes basically Em, I just do not find it appealing if I honestly wanted to find something that needed to be found off the internet I would ask someone from a younger generation to do so for me. I even did a computer course and everything at tafe and the whole appeal to the Internet does not demand that people seem to show towards the Internet does not faze me at all. One of my daughters has been personally bullied through the Internet and I find it disgusting, hence another reason I am not a ‘fan’ of the Internet.

Do you personally believe that due to networking sites available e.g. facebook, it has lost the way in which people communicate to one another?

"”Yes, I personally do, where has the days gone when a simple letter is written to communicate with one another?

7 What piece of technology do you believe gets the most personal use out of your age group?

"Although I am not a fan as I have previously established, the internet is a major source for all types and ages of people around the world.

8. Thank you for contributing to t he interview today

"That’s absolutely fine I am glad to help out with this! “